1-Day Online Workshop
Live Online Masterclass
Who is Lakshmi?
Lakshmi is the Vedic goddess of beauty and abundance. Often seen with four arms all carrying riches and endowments. Both physically and spiritual. We call to her in Vedic chants to bring us good fortune, wealth, and physical abundance. She is beautiful, vibrant, sensual and alive!
But what if I told you Lakshmi is a sound. That the name of this Vedic Goddess of abundance and beauty is a sound frequency that when uttered, produces a physical manifestation of that which we are calling into our life. Her mantra which we learn in this workshop will begin to magnetize prosperity into your life.
This class will focus on how sound must be supported for its frequency to create a physical change in your life. According to quantum entanglement theory, we see that our mind’s focus creates our reality. This is only the first step. Engaging the voice correctly will serve as a powerful tool towards creating a life in alignment with what you truly desire.
When looking at your life currently, where do you feel a lack?
What stands in the way of you having what you feel you are lacking?
We will also focus on worthiness and self esteem and what energies might be preventing you from living to your fullest potential. From there we will uncover the great mystery ancient civilizations have always known, that your voice can act as a magnet and draw towards you what you desire, or polarize it and make it very difficult to achieve.
Learn the body-breath-voice connection and how when producing sounds in a specific way you can begin to see the magic of manifestation unfold in front of your eyes. Without an embodied voice, which is our “soul's dynamic life urge for truthful expression”, a physical, lasting change can occur. The integration of our soul’s intelligence, through the voice into the body, is how we manifest the physical world. Yes, YOUR voice is your primary tool for manifestation.
Get ready to open the door to your power of creativity and magnetism. This class will be both deeply profound and a lot of fun and.have you feeling super charged and aligned with all that you want to become and all that you already are.
During this time together, sharing both esoteric and practical knowledge you will:
Whether you use your voice professionally, are an experienced singer or just embarking on vocal exploration, this class will open you up to the power of your personal vibration, teaching you how to unlock its potential. You will never look at your voice the same way again.
1-Day Workshop
Masterclass - Pay What You Can
Join us in ET time (NY, USA). Click here to see what time it is in NY
All classes will be recorded and will be made available to replay for one month after.
9:00 — 12:00
Morning introduction to mantra
12:00 — 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 — 17:30
Afternoon Session, group chanting & closing
We would love for you to join us. Please see commonly asked questions below.
This will be an interactive experience for those of you live in the class and you will be able to ask questions directly to Maryn.
After each session ends the class will be available to watch on an online platfrom. These sessions will be accessible for 1 month after the workshop ends.
After each session ends the class will be available to watch on an online platfrom. These sessions will be accessible for 1 month after the workshop ends.
The time zone is ET, and is held in New York, USA.
Yes, there will be time over the day to ask personal questions to deepen your vocal transformation journey.
Did not see your question here. Please reach out directly to retreats@vocaltransformation.com
and we will respond to you within 24-48hrs.
Thank you!